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PA Practice in Idaho

The Idaho Academy of Physician Assistants has worked hard to create a positive practice environment for PAs in Idaho.  Due to the efforts of the IAPA and others, PAs in Idaho enjoy many practice privileges that PAs in other states are denied.

  • Idaho PAs have full prescriptive authority including controlled substances – not so in many states

  • Idaho PAs work with their collaborative physician or practice to determine an appropriate scope of practice – not so in many states where limitations are dictated by law

  • Idaho PAs are not required to have charts co-signed by their collaborative physician or practice and instead work with the physician to determine the appropriate level of chart review – most states require co-signing of charts

  • Idaho PAs are protected by statutes that regulate licensure – not so in all states

  • Idaho PAs can own their own practices and employ physicians – not so in many states

There are still statutory improvements to be made in Idaho. For example, Idaho PAs work under supervision ratio restrictions. This is one practice limitation that the IAPA is working to improve.


Regulatory Oversight

The Idaho Board of Medicine has regulatory authority over Physician Assistants and their practice of medicine in the state of Idaho. The Idaho Board of Medicine has a three person Physician Assistant Advisory Committee makes recommendations to the Board.


The PA Advisory Committee performs the following functions:

  • Evaluates the qualifications of applicants for licensure and registration;

  • Performs investigations of misconduct and makes recommendations regarding discipline;

  • Maintains a list of currently licensed physician assistants and graduate physician assistants in this state; and

  • Advises the board on rule changes necessary to license and regulate physician assistants and graduate physician assistants in this state.



Contact the Idaho Board of Medicine for questions relating to PA licensing in Idaho. Their website contains links to the PA licensing statutes, administrative rules, forms for license applications, and a wealth of other information regarding the regulation of Physician Assistants in Idaho. In addition, feel free to email for assistance.